By: Status International
lot # 679 - accumulations and collections world collections and lots
Poland: 1919-24 sheets & large blks huge accumulation inc 1919 South Poland Arms vals to 15f with several sheets plus high val horses to 5Kr. 1919 Warsaw opts in large blks perf & imperf. 1919 Parliaments to 1Mk inc sheets. 1924 Eagle inflation 1,000,000Mk sheet. BOB inc officials 1920 to 50f inc sheets plus Postage Dues. Good Silesia inc 1920 opts to 50f. 1922 Arms vals to 75f inc sheets plus minor vals to 50Mk inc several sheets. Then 1923 minor inflation vals to 300Mk inc sheets. Most MUH with a few CTO. Most F-VF MUH, unfortunately a few sheets struck together, also a few CTO. Mi cat a huge €60,000+ = A$93,000+. An amazing opportunity for specialist wishing to research varieties etc. (21,000+) Estimate A$4000
Status International
Status International from Sydney, Australia is holding 4 - 6 auctions a year of Philatelic & Numismatic items. The emphasis is on Australian and area material as well as All World stamps,... Read More