Preise Realisiert

lot # 793 - 8. British Commonwealth (C-Z) ireland

Wednesday Jun 01, 2022 11:00 to Friday Jun 03, 2022 17:00 America/New_York

COLLECTION OF THOM AND HARRISON OVERPRINTS: 1922, 82 mostly mint stamps (three used), including set of five (plus extras) with black overprints, Harrison overprints on coil stamps, blue black and red overprints, set of 14, as well as blue black wider setting issue, the unit includes 8 blocks of four and 7 plate No. pieces (5 singles and 2 strips of three), full OG, NH or hinged, F/VF, C.v. $925++, Hibernian T15/46, C.v. is over €1,000, Est. $300-$400

**/* Bl
Sc. #15/43

Sale Terms

About The Seller

Raritan Stamps, Inc.

Raritan Stamps, Inc. holds Philatelic Auction of Rare Worldwide Stamps and Postal History. Also retail and wholesale Russian Postage Stamps, including Imperial, RSFSR, USSR and Zemstvo stamps, and... Read More

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