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lot # 3297 - united states postal history Stampless Covers - Free Franks

Wednesday Dec 15, 2021 10:00 America/New_York

Millard Fillmore (1800-74; 13th President of the United States), free frank "M. Fillmore" as President on cover addressed to the Hon. Joseph B. Varnum, Jr. in New York, red "Washington DC Oct 6 Free" datestamp, docketing at left, very light toning and horizontal crease at bottom, neither of which impact the free frank, Very Fine and attractivernThe addressee, Joseph Varnum, Jr., was a a US politician from Massachusetts. He served as a US Representative and US Senator, holding leadership positions in both bodies.Sale 3054: Session 3 - United States Stamps and Covers

About The Seller

H.R. Harmer

H.R. Harmer was founded in 1918 by Henry Revell Harmer of London. In 1940, the firm opened its New York auction gallery and quickly ascended to the top ranks of philatelic auction houses... Read More

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