1915 Accra opt KGV set ½d to 20/-. VF MLH/MNH. SG H34-46 cat £200+ & under-catalogued. (12). (P)
Estimate price: A$200-300
Public Auction #320 - Stamps and Covers
By: Status International
Status International Public Auction #320 - Stamps and Covers
Status International - Sale 320 - December 10th, 2015.
Auction 320 has 3,375 lots, catering for all types of collectors & dealers - from bulk accumulations and intact collections to desirable single items. This auction offers a huge range of material, with special emphasis on lotting stamps to cater for collectors with varying types of interests and budgets. Items range from $30 to $100,000 so there's something for everybody.
This auction offers strong representation of Australia & Colonies, strong British Empire material of all areas & periods, as well as General Foreign including small and large collections. There are almost 300 lots of Australian Collections (LOT 69-333) and almost 400 lots of World collections (LOT 334-697). Following on there is well over 1000 lots of Australia which consist of singles, sets and covers including Australian colonies (LOTS 771-1677). The Australian lots cover all periods, from the Kangaroo issues up to Decimal and contains numerous number of mint & used £1 & £2 top values - this includes a Third Watermark £2 Black & rose, variety "broken value circle". Superb fresh MUH, pristine never hinged original gum. SG 114(var) Cat £9000+ MUH, plus premium for variety. ACSC 57(D)m cat $23,000. Very rare MUH & desirable with variety. 2014 RPSL photo-cert.(LOT 868). There is almost 1,700 lots of World stamps, covers and single country collections (LOTS 1919-3375) with the British Empire well represented, highlighted by Mauritius 1848 QV "Post Paid" 2d indigo-blue on greyish/bluish paper, EARLIEST IMPRESSION (position 10). Superb UN, 4 margins from small to very large, amazing deep colour. SG 4 cat £65,000++ & undercatalogued as only tiny number of unused earliest impressions exist. Another example (with 4 even margins) was sold in Europe in September 2015 for €150,000+ = A$230,000+! Very important classic stamp - as no unused examples of the "Post Office" issue remain in private hands, so the "Post Paid" earliest impressions are in effect the 1st stamps for a serious unused collection of Mauritius. Beautiful example of this classic rarity - provenance is the famous Ferrary collection - this was lot 80 of 1st auction of June 1921. 2014 Brandon photo-cert,(Lot 2785).
Numerous other European and Asian rarities as well.
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Lot #3287 - World togo - british occupation
Lot #3288 - World togo - british occupation
1915 Accra opt KGV 1d error opt INVERTED. VF MNH. SG 35h cat £170 for M, should be at least £340 MNH. (P)
Estimate price: A$250-350
Lot #3289 - World togo - british occupation
1915 Accra opt KGV varieties inc ½d "small F in French" (horiz se-tenant pr), "thin G in Togo" (horiz se-tenant pr), "no hyphen after Anglo" (horiz se-tenant pr) & "CCUPATION for OCCUPATION", 1d "thin G in Togo", "small F in French" (horiz se-tenant pr) & "no hyphen after Anglo" (horiz se-tenant pr), 2d "small F in French" (horiz se-tenant pr), 2½d "no hyphen after Anglo", "thin G in Togo' & "small F in French", 3d "small F in...
Lot #3290 - World togo - british occupation
1915 Accra opt KGV 2½d, 3d, 6d, 1/-, 2/-, 2/6, 5/-, 10/- & 20/-. VF fresh M/MNH. SG ex H37-46 cat £243. (9). (P)
Estimate price: A$150-250
Lot #3291 - World togo - british occupation
1916-20 London opt KGV set ½d to 20/-. VF fresh MLH. SG H47-58 cat £200 & under-catalogued. (12). (P)
Estimate price: A$200-300
Lot #3292 - World togo - british occupation
1916-20 London opt KGV 6d, variety wmk INVERTED. Superb fresh MNH. SG 52w cat £160 for M, should be at least £320 MNH. Desirable with margin as easy to see the wmk error. (P)
Estimate price: A$250-350
Lot #3293 - World tonga
1897-1920 Pictorials 6d brown, 1/- green & black, 5/- grey & green imperf printers samples/colour trials on thick no wmk paper, opt SPECIMEN. VF UN as made. SG 47(p), 53(p), 63(p). A rare trio. (3). (P)
Estimate price: A$200-300
Lot #3294 - World tonga
1942-49 Queen Pictorial set ½d to 5/-, wmk script. VFU. SG 74-82 cat £110. (9). (P)
Estimate price: A$70-100
Lot #3295 - World tonga
1962 Emancipation opt Official set 2d-£1. VF MNH, mostly fresh. SG O11-16 cat £325. Only 900 sets printed. (6). (P)
Estimate price: A$275-375
Lot #3296 - World tonga
2002-04 "Emergency" surch 45s on 55s Lorikeet, upper marginal gutter blk of 8. VF MNH. 2014 SG cat £320.
Estimate price: A$130-200
Lot #3297 - World tonga
2002-04 "Emergency" surch 70s on55s Me'etupaki Dance, upper marginal gutter blk of 8. VF MNH. 2014 SG cat £256.
Estimate price: A$110-150
Lot #3298 - World transvaal
1902 KEVII set ½d to 10/-, wmk crown CA. VF MLH, 2d tropicalised perfs, others fresh. SG 244-55 cat £250. (12). (P)
Estimate price: A$150-250
Lot #3299 - World transvaal
1902 KEVII set ½d to 10/-, opt SPECIMEN, wmk crown CA. VF fresh MNH. SG 244s-55s cat £200 for M, should be at least double, £400 MNH. (12). (P)
Estimate price: A$350-500
Lot #3300 - World transvaal
1902-09 KEVII selection inc 1903 1/- (2 shades) & 2/- wmk crown CA, 1904-09 to 10/- wmk mult crown & 1905-09 New Colours set ½d to 2½d, plus ½d shade. VF fresh M/MLH. SG 256-7, ex 261-276 cat £264. (15). (P)
Estimate price: A$150-250
Lot #3301 - World transvaal
1903 KEVII £1 green & violet, wmk crown CA. Superb fresh M. SG 258 cat £375+. (P)
Estimate price: A$350-450
Lot #3302 - World transvaal
1903 KEVII £5 orange-brown & violet, top value, opt SPECIMEN. VF fresh MLH. SG 259s (normal cat £2250). (P)
Estimate price: A$200-300
Lot #3303 - World transvaal - boer war
1900-02 VRI opt Postal Fiscal 5/- dark olive. VFU, "Johannesburg 15 MRT 01" cds. SG footnote unpriced. Higher values were provisionally used on Telegrams & are very scarce (most U lower values also originate thus). The highest value priced is the 2/6 at £150, high values scarcer & more valuable. Exp Ceremuga. (P)
Estimate price: A$100-150
Lot #3304 - World trinidad
1869 QV 5/- rose-lake, wmk crown CC, perf 12½. VFM. SG 87 cat £170. (P)
Estimate price: A$130-170
Lot #3305 - World trinidad
1894 OS opt QV set ½d to 5/-. Mostly F-VF M (1d FU). SG O1-7 cat £550. Rare set. (7). (P)
Estimate price: A$300-450
Lot #3306 - World trinidad
1896-1906 Britannia set ½d-£1, wmk crown CA. VF M/MLH. SG 114-124 cat £550. (10). (P)
Estimate price: A$450-600
Lot #3307 - World trinidad
1904-07 Britannia £1 green & carmine, wmk mult crown. Superb fresh M. SG 145 cat £300. (P)
Estimate price: A$230-300
Lot #3308 - World trinidad and tobago
1921-22 Britannia 5/- dull purple & purple, wmk script. VF fresh MLH. SG 213 cat £75. (P)
Estimate price: A$60-80
Lot #3309 - World trinidad and tobago
1921-22 Britannia £1 green & carmine, wmk script. VF fresh MNH. SG 215 cat £180 for M, should be at least £360 MNH. (P)
Estimate price: A$350-500
Lot #3310 - World Turkey
1863 Tughra Postage Due 5Pi black on brown-red, with red band instead of blue. Superb fresh M, 4 large even margins. Mi P4c, SG D10(var) cat £2,500+ normal & at least double, for incorrect band colour, so £5000+. Classic rarity. 2010 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)
Estimate price: A$1000-1500
Lot #3311 - World Turkey
1863 Tughra Postage Due 5Pi black on brown-red, w/o band, TETE-BECHE pr (top to top). Superb fresh M, 4 large even margins. Mi P4aK, SG D10a est cat £10,000++ as tete-beche pr rated at 5 times single. Classic rarity. 2010 Ceremuga photo cert. (P)
Estimate price: A$1500-2500
Status International
Status International from Sydney, Australia is holding 4 - 6 auctions a year of Philatelic & Numismatic items. The emphasis is on Australian and area material as well as All World stamps,... Read More