1906/12: De La Rue Colour Trial, 1 s. value imperforate on wmk. Multiple Crown CA paper, printed in chestnut & blue, fresh and fine, large part og. Scarce.rnProvenance: Collection 'Abaco', Grosvenor, London, 22 June 2010, lot 203.rnrn
Corinphila Auction 284-290 Day 1
By: Corinphila Auction AG
Corinphila Auction AG Corinphila Auction 284-290 Day 1
Corinphila Auction 284-290 May June 2022
The 284 - 290 Corinphila Auction will start Friday May 27th and will be continued Monday May 30th through to Saturday June 4th, 2022
Attention: There is NO Auction during the weekend Saturday 28th and Sunday May 29th
A wide range of classic material awaits you in six special catalogues and in our 'Europe & Overseas' catalogue. Already more than 30.000 pictures, especially of the collections, are online!
Auction Catalogues:
Catalogue 284: Europe & Overseas Lots 1-2239
Catalogue 285: British West Indies The ‘BESANÇON’ Collection (part III) Lots 3001-4195
Catalogue 286: Great Britain The ‘BESANÇON’ Collection (part IV) Lots 4501-4803
Catalogue 287: British West Africa The ‘BESANÇON’ Collection (part I) Lots 5001-5358
Catalogue 288: The Ing. Pietro Provera Collection (part IV) Lots 6001-6821
Catalogue 289: Switzerland – The Erivan Collection (part IV) Lots 7001-7034
Catalogue 290: Switzerland & Liechtenstein 7101- 7670 + 8001-8828
Auction Schedule |
Friday May 27. 2022 |
Catalogue 285 |
British West Indies The ‘BESANÇON’ Collection (part III) |
09.00 h |
Lot 3001-3611 |
Antigua - Dominica |
15.00 h |
Lot 3612-4195 |
Grenada - Turks & Caicos Islands |
No Auction during the weekend May 28th/29th |
Monday May 30. 2022 |
Catalogue 284 |
Europe & Overseas |
09.00 h |
Lot 1 - 212 |
Overseas: Azerbaijan - Yemen |
Catalogue 286 |
Great Britain 1840–1910 The ‘BESANÇON’ Collection (part IV) |
11.00 h |
Lot 4501-4803 |
Great Britain: 1840–1910 |
Catalogue 287 |
British West Africa The ‘BESANÇON’ Collection (part I) |
14.30 h |
Lot 5001 - 5358 |
Gambia, Gold Coast, Nigeria: Lagos, Oil Rivers Protectorate, Niger Coast Protectorate, Northern Nigeria, Southern Nigeria |
Tuesday May 31. 2022 |
Catalogue 288 |
Europe & Overseas |
09.00 h |
Lot 213-650 |
GB & Britisch Commonwealth incl. The ‘BESANÇON’ Collection with Aden and Kuwait |
13.00 h |
Lot 651 - 1119 |
Americas (North, Central & South America), incl. Ecuador 1865–1872 – The 'GUAYAQUIL' Collection (part II) and Peru – The ‘ALPACA’ Collection (part II) |
Wednesday June 1. 2022 |
Catalogue 284 |
Europe & Overseas |
09.00 h |
Lot 1120 - 1489 |
Albania - Iceland, incl. Ballon Monté: The Flight of the „Ville d’Orléans“ The Svein Arne Hansen Collection (part II) |
12.00 h |
Lot 1490 - 2039 |
Italy - Ukraine, incl. Austria and Austrian Levant |
17.00 h |
Lot 2040 - 2079 |
Boy Scout's - The Late Alfred Scherb Collection (part II) |
Lot 2080 - 2156 |
Literature – Special Collection |
Thursday June 2. 2022 |
Catalogue 288 |
The Ing. Pietro Provera Collection (part IV) |
09.00 h |
Lot 6001 - 6821 |
Italy, France, European Countries, South & Central America |
Catalogue 288 |
Europe & Overseas |
17.00 h |
Lot 2157 - 2239 |
Collections and Accumulations Worldwide |
Friday June 3. 2022 |
Catalogue 290 |
Schweiz & Fürstentum Liechtenstein |
09.00 h |
Lot 8001 - 8278 |
Sitzende Helvetia gezähnt, Ziffermuster, Stehende Helvetia, UPU, Schweiz ab 1907, Soldatenmarken, |
11.30 h |
Lot 8279 - 8610 |
Flugpost Schweiz, Fürstentum Liechtenstein, inkl. Schweiz Flugpost – Die Sammlung ‚IKARUS‘ (Teil II) |
15.00 h |
Lot 8611 - 8828 |
Sammlungen und Posten Schweiz: Vorphilatelie, Kantonalmarken, Rayon, Strubel, Sitzende Helvetia, Stehende Helvetia, diverse Schweiz |
Samstag June 4. 2022 |
Catalogue 289 |
The ERIVAN Collection (part IV) |
10.00 h |
Lot 7001 - 7034 |
Kantonalmarken, Ortspost, Poste Locale, Rayonmarken, Sitzende Helvetia (Strubel), Sitzende Helvetia gezähnt |
Catalogue 290 |
Schweiz & Fürstentum Liechtenstein |
11.00 h |
Lot 7101 - 7499 |
Vorphilatelie, Kantonalmarken, Ortspost, Poste Locale, Rayonmarken |
15.30 h |
Lot 7500 - 7670 |
Sitzende Helvetia (Strubel) inkl. Strubel 1854 – 1863 – Nationale Gross-Gold Spezialsammlung (Teil II) |
Sale Terms
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Lot #3102 - brit. colonies bahamas
1912/19: £ 1 dull green & black, wmk. Multiple Crown CA, an unused block of four, marginal from lower left corner of the sheet showing Plate Number '1' in margin, fresh and fine but for some largely unobtrusive bends, unmounted og. A rare multiple Gi = £ 800+.
Lot #3103 - brit. colonies bahamas
1918 (Feb-July): War Tax, 1 d. black & red, overprinted in Nassau, an unused example, variety "Overprint Inverted", fine appearance, typically slightly browned large part og. A very rare stamp. Cert. BPA (1984) Gi = £ 1'500.rnProvenance: Collection Sir Gawaine Baillie, Sotheby's, London, 3-4 May 2007, lot 33.
Lot #3104 - brit. colonies bahamas
1918 (Feb-July): War Tax, 3 d. purple on yellow, overprinted in Nassau, an unused example with variety "Overprint Inverted", fresh appearance, slight corner crease, large part og. Gi = £ 1'100.rnProvenance: Harmers, London, 18 Dec 1996, lot 2110.
Lot #3105 - brit. colonies bahamas
1919 (Jan 1): 'War / Charity 3.6.18' in red on 1 d. grey-black & carmine, an unused example with variety "Overprint Double", fresh and fine colour, large part og. Extremely rare. Signed A. Diena. Cert. RPSL (1966) Gi = £ 2'000.
Lot #3106 - brit. colonies bahamas
1919 (July 4): 'War Tax' on 3 d. black & brown, an unused block of four from upper left of sheet, variety "Watermark Inverted & Reversed", fresh and fine, slightly browned unmounted og. Cert. BPA (1984) Gi = £ 640+.
Lot #3107 - brit. colonies bahamas
1920: Peace Celebration, De La Rue Master Die Proof in black with Duty Plate black, engraved on surface glazed white medium paper (38 x 36 mm.). Fine and very rare.rnProvenance: Collection Morris Luddington, Spink, London, 9-10 Nov 1999, lot 1361.
Lot #3108 - brit. colonies bahamas
1921/37: De La Rue Printer's samples, an Imperforate horizontal Proof pair of the ½ d. value in purple & red, printed on unwatermarked paper, overprinted SPECIMEN in black (Samuel Type DS1), without gum. Rare.
Lot #3109 - brit. colonies bahamas
1930 (Jan 2): Tercentenary of the Colony, the set of five values unused, perforated hooded SPECIMEN, fresh and very fine, large part og. Gi = £ 180.
Lot #3110 - brit. colonies bahamas
1938/52: ½ d. brown-purple, wmk. Multiple Script CA, an unused corner block of thirty from base of the left pane, showing the variety on Row 9, stamp 6 (with elongated "E" in PENNY) and on Row 10, stamp 3 the variety "Error - St. Edward's Crown in Watermark", fresh and very fine, unmounted og. A marvellous positional block, the watermark variety being of great rarity Gi = £ 4'200+.
Lot #3112 - brit. colonies bahamas
1942 (Oct 12): Landfall of Columbus 6 d. olive-green & light blue, an unused marginal block of four, fourth stamp (Row 5, stamp 2) showing variety "COIUMBUS", fresh and fine, unmounted og. Rare Gi = £ 1'200+.
Lot #3113 - brit. colonies bahamas
Special Delivery 1916 (May 1): Staircase 5 d. black & orange, overprinted by the Nassau Guardian, an unused example, variety "Overprint Double", position 49 on the sheet of 60, corner crease unapparent on front, unmounted og. A rare stamp Gi = £ 800.
Lot #3114 - brit. colonies barbados
1858: Cover from Bridgetown to London endorsed 'By Mail Feb 27th' at lower left and 'Pd. 6d.' at top, struck with superb "♚ / PAID / AT / BARBADOES" in red with manuscript '6' pence paid in crayon and adjoining 'London / Paid' arrival cds (March 17). Reverse with both single ring (No. 1) and double arc 'Barbadoes' datestamps (Feb 27) in black. Superb quality Gi = £ 475.
Lot #3115 - brit. colonies barbados
Stamp Shortage 1893: Covers (3) both locally mailed and sent stampless due to shortage of 1 d. adhesives, each struck with "♚ / PAID AT BARBADOES" handstamp denoting payment, one mailed on the First Day of use (Feb 17) and one cover mailed on the Final Day of use (March 15); with a third cover dated Feb 21, and similarly cancelled but with charming 'Grand Easter Display' card as an enclosure.rn
Lot #3116 - brit. colonies barbados
Recess by Perkins Bacon 1852/55: (½ d.) yellow-green on blued paper, a fine used example with good to large margins all round cancelled by '1' numeral obliterator of Bridgetown in black. A choice example of a scarce stamp Gi = £ 700.
Lot #3117 - brit. colonies barbados
Recess by Perkins Bacon 1852/55: (½ d.) deep green on blued paper, an unused horizontal pair of rich colour, large even margins all round, fresh and very fine, large part og. Gi = £ 300+.
Lot #3118 - brit. colonies barbados
Recess by Perkins Bacon 1852/55: (½ d.) deep green on blued paper, a superb horizontal pair with large margins all round and of fine colour, used on 1854 cover to Bridgetown tied by "11" numeral obliterators of St. Lucy Parish. Reverse with miss-set single ring datestamp of despatch "AU L / 1854 / Δ" in black with inverted '7' for '4' and single ring Bridgetown arrival "AU 4 / 1854 / 1" in black. Overall mathematical doodling on the envleope...
Lot #3119 - brit. colonies barbados
Recess by Perkins Bacon 1852/55: (1 d.) blue on blued paper, an unused block of nine with clear to large margins all round, of fresh colour and superb unmounted smooth even og. A most attractive multiple Gi = £ 540+.
Lot #3120 - brit. colonies barbados
Recess by Perkins Bacon 1852/55: (1 d.) deep blue on blued paper, an unused block of twenty-three, close at right and large margins on their sides, of excellent rich colour and showing vertical watermark "(S)AUNDERS" of the paper-maker T.H. Saunders, fresh and very fine, creased in margin only between upper block of ten and lower irregular block of thirteen, superb og. with most unmounted og. A delightful multiple Gi = £ 1'000+.
Lot #3121 - brit. colonies barbados
Recess by Perkins Bacon 1852/55: Prepared for use but unissued, (-) deep slate, an unused block of four with good even margins all round, of rich colour, fresh and very fine with large part og. A scarce multiple Gi = £ 1'000+.
Lot #3122 - brit. colonies barbados
Recess by Perkins Bacon 1855: (4 d.) brownish-red on blued paper, an unused block of six (3 x 2), good to large margins all round, of fresh vibrant colour and superb large part og. with four stamps unmounted og. A very scarce and most attractive multiple Gi = £ 720+.
Lot #3123 - brit. colonies barbados
Recess by Perkins Bacon 1855/58: (½ d.) yellow-green on white paper, the 1857 printing, a used horizontal strip of four, with close to large margins all round, just touched at upper right, lightly cancelled by "1" numeral obliterators of Bridgetown in black. An exceptional and rare multiple Gi = £ 440+.rnProvenance: Collection Joseph Hackmey, DF, Geneva, 16 April 1986, lot 10076.
Lot #3124 - brit. colonies barbados
Recess by Perkins Bacon 1855/58: (½ d.) yellow-green on white paper, a horizontal pair with large even margins all round and of vibrant fresh colour, used on 1858 cover from Bridgetown to Trinidad endorsed 'p. Mail' tied by "1" numeral obliterators in black. reverse with single ring datestamp "OC 5 / 1858 /1" and correct double arc 'Barbadoes' datestamp (Oct 06), with faint Trindidad arrival cds (Oct 8) in black. A marvellous and rare...
Lot #3125 - brit. colonies barbados
Recess by Perkins Bacon 1855/58: (½ d.) green on white paper, the 1858 printing, an exceptionally dark 'British racing green' shade, large margins all round, large part og. Gi = £ 150.
Corinphila Auctions Ltd.
Corinphila Auctions is one of the world's leading auctioneers specializing in first-class stamp auctions. Online live auction bidding. Partner in the Global Philatelic Network.... Read More