Mitglieder können Suchen speichern
|**|Yvert 392/05. 1969. Moonlanding. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set. TO EXAM.
|**|Yvert A91/93. 1970. Sto Domingo Guzman. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set. TO EXAM.
|**|Yvert 492/93. 1972. Haile Selassie. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set. TO EXAM.
|**|Yvert 520/28. 1974. Flowers. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set. TO EXAM.
|**|Yvert B8/9. 1965. Gemini 5. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set. TO EXAM.
|**|Yvert A74/77. 1967. Wall paintings. Group of IMPERFORATED sets. TO EXAM.
|**|Yvert B21/23. 1968. Animals. Group of IMPERFORATED sets. TO EXAM.
|**|Yvert 316/25. 1967. Snake research. Group of IMPERFORATED sets. TO EXAM.
|**|Yvert 363/69. 1968. Animals. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set. TO EXAM.
|**|Yvert 293/99. 1966. UNICEF Nobel prize. Group of progressive plate proofs of the set. TO EXAM.