1912-1949 ROC - Stamp Auctions

Lot 5417 - 1912-1949 ROC  -  John Bull Stamp Auctions The 2024 Summer Auction - Sale 343 -  The General Sale

Lot 5417 - 1912-1949 ROC - John Bull Stamp Auctions The 2024 Summer Auction - Sale 343 - The General Sale

1914 ROC Express Letter Stamps x 20,mostly used. VF-F.


John Bull Stamp Auctions The 2024 Summer Auction - Sale 343 - The General Sale

1912-1949 ROC
Lot 5380 - 1912-1949 ROC  -  John Bull Stamp Auctions The 2024 Summer Auction - Sale 343 -  The General Sale

Lot 5380 - 1912-1949 ROC - John Bull Stamp Auctions The 2024 Summer Auction - Sale 343 - The General Sale

1949 (May 11) Swatow Sung Kou to Japan censored returned cover,f.w. SYS Golden Yuan Stamps x 4, total value $40,000 Golden Yuan, tied by Sung Kou cds. The exchange rate of Golden and Silver Yuan is around 1f: GY$4,000 then. $40,000 Golden Yuan equals to 10f Silver Yuan, matching the international ordinary rate. However, the postage was not acceptable in Japan and was marked as postage due. The recipient refused to pay the postage due, thus the cover was returned to the sender.

1949年5月11日銀圓郵資時期貼金圓票汕頭松口寄日本欠資檢查退回封, 貼孫像金圓票4枚,合4萬金圓,銷松口日戳。是時金銀圓兌換率約為$4,000金圓兌1分銀圓,折合10分銀圓,符合當時國際平信郵資。該郵資日本不接納,而作欠資處理,但收信人拒絕支付,故退還寄信人。

John Bull Stamp Auctions The 2024 Summer Auction - Sale 343 - The General Sale

1912-1949 ROC
Lot 5396 - 1912-1949 ROC  -  John Bull Stamp Auctions The 2024 Summer Auction - Sale 343 -  The General Sale

Lot 5396 - 1912-1949 ROC - John Bull Stamp Auctions The 2024 Summer Auction - Sale 343 - The General Sale

1949 (Jul 31) Canton to Shanghai airmail cover,franked on reverse SYS Silver Yuan 4c x 1, tied by Canton cds., with Shanghai arrival marking alongside. This is a KMT and CPC circulated cover as Shanghai has been liberated on 1949 (May 27).

1949年7月31日廣州寄上海銀圓航空封, 背面單貼孫像華南版銀元票4分1枚,符合當時國統區國內平信銀圓郵資,銷廣州日戳,旁蓋上海到達戳。上海已於1949年5月27日解放,此乃國共通郵封。

John Bull Stamp Auctions The 2024 Summer Auction - Sale 343 - The General Sale

1912-1949 ROC
Lot 5412 - 1912-1949 ROC  -  John Bull Stamp Auctions The 2024 Summer Auction - Sale 343 -  The General Sale

Lot 5412 - 1912-1949 ROC - John Bull Stamp Auctions The 2024 Summer Auction - Sale 343 - The General Sale

1900s-40s a group of old Chinese stamps,including CIP ovpt. POSTAGE DUE used set with nice Ichang bisected cds., Manchukuo Regular issues and Sinkiang Revenue stamps.


John Bull Stamp Auctions The 2024 Summer Auction - Sale 343 - The General Sale

1912-1949 ROC
Lot 5391 - 1912-1949 ROC  -  John Bull Stamp Auctions The 2024 Summer Auction - Sale 343 -  The General Sale

Lot 5391 - 1912-1949 ROC - John Bull Stamp Auctions The 2024 Summer Auction - Sale 343 - The General Sale

1949 (Jun 18) Szechuan Suining to Chungking value declaration registered cover,franked on bothsides Silver Yuan Surface Mail Unit stamp x 1 (4f Silver Yuan) and Gold Yuan stamps x 31 (Gold Yuan $15,500,000), according to the rate of that time, Silver Yuan 1f = Gold Yuan $125,000, total rate Silver Yuan 128f, 28f for domestic double registered postage, while 100f for value declared rate (Patrick Choy's P38), stamps tied by West Szechuan Pai Ma Chang cds., also with Chungking arrival cds. The only recorded Gold Yuan Silver Yuan value declared combination cover.

1949年6月18日中式金銀圓混貼封自四川遂寧寄重慶報值挂號封, 正面貼國內平信單位郵票1枚(合4分銀圓),背貼金圓郵票31枚(合$15,500,000金圓)。是時金銀圓兌換率約為$125,000金圓兌1分銀圓,合計銀圓為128分,其中28分用以支付國內雙掛號郵資,餘下100分用為支付高院預繳銀圓20元的報值費(5%鄰近郵區)(參考蔡國雄《銀元郵票》第38頁,郵票銷西川白馬場(北)日戳,正面另有重慶到達戳。此為目前發現唯一的金銀圓混貼報值實寄封,是金銀圓郵集不可或缺的珍貴素材。

John Bull Stamp Auctions The 2024 Summer Auction - Sale 343 - The General Sale

1912-1949 ROC
Lot 5407 - 1912-1949 ROC  -  John Bull Stamp Auctions The 2024 Summer Auction - Sale 343 -  The General Sale

Lot 5407 - 1912-1949 ROC - John Bull Stamp Auctions The 2024 Summer Auction - Sale 343 - The General Sale

1949 (Nov 4) Chinese style cover from His Chuan Jen Shou double registered to Chengtu,franked on reverse SYS surch. Domestic Ordinary Mail Unit Stamps x 7, according to the Golden and Silver Yuan exchange rate, valued 35c Silver Yuan, matching the domestic double registered rate, tied by Hsi Chuan Jen Shou cds., along with Sze Chuan Chengtu arrival cds.


John Bull Stamp Auctions The 2024 Summer Auction - Sale 343 - The General Sale

1912-1949 ROC
Lot 5423 - 1912-1949 ROC  -  John Bull Stamp Auctions The 2024 Summer Auction - Sale 343 -  The General Sale

Lot 5423 - 1912-1949 ROC - John Bull Stamp Auctions The 2024 Summer Auction - Sale 343 - The General Sale

1914 ROC Express Letter Stamps (No. 0557),10c green, unused, fresh and solid, very fine and rare (Chan E9).

1914年民國第二次發行快信郵票新票橫五連(嘉善縣2),票號字0557, 上品。

John Bull Stamp Auctions The 2024 Summer Auction - Sale 343 - The General Sale

1912-1949 ROC
Lot 5386 - 1912-1949 ROC  -  John Bull Stamp Auctions The 2024 Summer Auction - Sale 343 -  The General Sale

Lot 5386 - 1912-1949 ROC - John Bull Stamp Auctions The 2024 Summer Auction - Sale 343 - The General Sale

1949 (Jun 8) Chinese style cover from Hsi Chuan Ipin registered to Chengtu,f.w. Domestic Ordinary Mail Unit Stamp and Registered Mail Unit Stamp, matching the domestic registered rate Silver Yuan 16c, tied by Hsi Chuan Ipin postal agency cds.

1949年6月8日中式銀圓封自西川宜賓掛號寄成都, 貼平信單位及掛號單位銀圓票各1枚,符合當時國內掛號銀圓16分郵資,銷西川宜賓代辦所日戳。

John Bull Stamp Auctions The 2024 Summer Auction - Sale 343 - The General Sale

1912-1949 ROC
Lot 5402 - 1912-1949 ROC  -  John Bull Stamp Auctions The 2024 Summer Auction - Sale 343 -  The General Sale

Lot 5402 - 1912-1949 ROC - John Bull Stamp Auctions The 2024 Summer Auction - Sale 343 - The General Sale

1949 (Sep 23) Amoy to America airmail cover,f.w. SYS Silver Yuan issues x 3 and Domestic Ordinary Mail Unit Stamp x 1, total value 55c, matching international airmail rate, tied by Amoy cds.


John Bull Stamp Auctions The 2024 Summer Auction - Sale 343 - The General Sale

1912-1949 ROC
Lot 5418 - 1912-1949 ROC  -  John Bull Stamp Auctions The 2024 Summer Auction - Sale 343 -  The General Sale

Lot 5418 - 1912-1949 ROC - John Bull Stamp Auctions The 2024 Summer Auction - Sale 343 - The General Sale

1914 ROC Express Letter Stamps, 5 unused items,including 1st issue x 1 and 2nd issue x 4. Unused. VF-F.


John Bull Stamp Auctions The 2024 Summer Auction - Sale 343 - The General Sale

1912-1949 ROC