Newfoundland - Stamp Auctions
Lot 22374 - Newfoundland 1933 - UPA UPA Auction UPA 96Sir Humphrey Gilbert definitive set, fine mint (14 stamps) Cat £120 (image available) {MH} [US2] (Start Price / Minimum Bid = £44.00) UPA UPA Auction UPA 96Newfoundland 1933 |
Lot 22395 - Newfoundland 1937 - UPA UPA Auction UPA 96Additional Coronation set of 11, on 3 matching first day covers. Registered St Johns 12 May 1937 to Barry Wales. Very fine in excellent condition. {C} [US7] (Start Price / Minimum Bid = £16.80) UPA UPA Auction UPA 96Newfoundland 1937 |
Lot 22376 - Newfoundland 1933 - UPA UPA Auction UPA 96KGV: Sir Humphrey Gilbert. LMM Cat £120 {MH} [US4] (Start Price / Minimum Bid = £33.60) UPA UPA Auction UPA 96Newfoundland 1933 |
Lot 22367 - Newfoundland 1933 - UPA UPA Auction UPA 96OHMS Official cover Department of Posts & Telegraphs with signature in bottom left corner authorising post free. Cancelled with St John's 30 Nov 1933 'Prevent Forest Fires Save Our Forest' slogan cancel. Addressed to Barnstable Mass. USA. Official crest on back flap. Very fine (image available) {C} [US7] (Start Price / Minimum Bid = £27.20) UPA UPA Auction UPA 96Newfoundland 1933 |
Lot 22390 - Newfoundland 1937 - UPA UPA Auction UPA 96KGVI Additional Coronation set of 11 vals 1c to 48c, mint small h/r. Fresh bright colours Cat £60 {MH} [US1] (Start Price / Minimum Bid = £20.00) UPA UPA Auction UPA 96Newfoundland 1937 |
Lot 22361 - Newfoundland 1932 - UPA UPA Auction UPA 96Duke of Windsor 4c carmine imperf horiz pair on wmk gummed paper, Plate Proof. Very fine l.m.m. (image available) {P} [US7] (Start Price / Minimum Bid = £16.80) UPA UPA Auction UPA 96Newfoundland 1932 |
Lot 22383 - Newfoundland 1934 - UPA UPA Auction UPA 96Registered cover with 8c brownish red joined pair SG227 positioned upside down, tied with a faint barred cancel. St John's registration department 2 May 1934 double ring cancel, boxed reg handstamp with manuscript number inserted. Addressed to Manchester. Per SS Nova Scotia. Slightly soiled (image available) {C} [US7] (Start Price / Minimum Bid = £20.80) UPA UPA Auction UPA 96Newfoundland 1934 |
Lot 22353 - Newfoundland 1932 - UPA UPA Auction UPA 96Set to 30c very fine mint with 3c in unmounted block of 4 & both perfs of 15c claret. A very fine set.(16) Cat £103 {MH} [US6] (Start Price / Minimum Bid = £0.99) UPA UPA Auction UPA 96Newfoundland 1932 |
Lot 22355 - Newfoundland 1932 - UPA UPA Auction UPA 96Duke of Windsor 4c Plate Proof in black, imperf horiz pair no wmk un-gummed paper very fine display quality item. (image available) {P} [US7] (Start Price / Minimum Bid = £27.20) UPA UPA Auction UPA 96Newfoundland 1932 |
Lot 22375 - Newfoundland 1933 - UPA UPA Auction UPA 96KGV: Sir Humphrey Gilbert. MM Cat £120 {MH} [US4] (Start Price / Minimum Bid = £32.00) UPA UPA Auction UPA 96Newfoundland 1933 |