netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands - Stamp Auctions

Lot 77 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands - Corinphila veilingen 221st Auction

puntstempels, collectie van ca. 1000 ex. op diverse waarden en emissies w.b. doubletten in 3 zelfgemaakte ringbanden

Corinphila Veilingen 221st Auction

Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands

Lot 96 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands - Corinphila veilingen 221st Auction

collectie 1852-1959 gestempeld w.b. 47, 48, 49, 104 in paar, 402B-403B met 1e-dagstempel, roltanding en telegram, tevens iets *

Corinphila Veilingen 221st Auction

Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands

Lot 55 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands - Corinphila veilingen 221st Auction

voorraad (*)/*/** tussen 1876- ca. 1960 met veel beter materiaal in 4 insteekboeken

Corinphila Veilingen 221st Auction

Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands

Lot 72 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands - Corinphila veilingen 221st Auction

gestempeld engros tussen 1852-1924 met veel beter materiaal w.b. 3 (3x), 6 (4x), 11-12, 28-29 (3x), 48, 49 (2x), 104-105 etc. in deels gemengde kwaliteit in insteekboek

Corinphila Veilingen 221st Auction

Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands

Lot 91 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands - Corinphila veilingen 221st Auction

2001-2006 **, nominaal EUR 860 in doos

Corinphila Veilingen 221st Auction

Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands

Lot 99 - netherlands and former territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands - Corinphila veilingen 221st Auction

collectie 1852-1979 gestempeld en */**, meest zowel gestempeld als */** verzameld

Corinphila Veilingen 221st Auction

Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands
Lot 67 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands -  Corinphila veilingen 221st Auction

Lot 67 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands - Corinphila veilingen 221st Auction

415 briefkaarten uit G. 190-335 gebruikt (w.b. met bijfrankeringen) en ongebruikt met veel betere ex., dubbelkaarten en o.a. 209a en b, beide ongebruikt en gebruikt, 212z-2 ongebruikt, 245 gebruikt en 2x P273 ongebruikt (Larens provisorium), (geen series geïllustreerde briefkaarten). Zie selectie

Corinphila Veilingen 221st Auction

Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands

Lot 86 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands - Corinphila veilingen 221st Auction

voorraad */** vanaf 1876 w.b. beter materiaal en grotere eenheden in 2 insteekboeken

Corinphila Veilingen 221st Auction

Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands

Lot 62 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands - Corinphila veilingen 221st Auction

collectie 1852-2001 deels */** met betere ex. en series o.a. Jubileum 1923 en En Face, deels nagegomd in 3 Davo albums

Corinphila Veilingen 221st Auction

Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands

Lot 79 - Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands - Corinphila veilingen 221st Auction

kleinrondstempels collectie met doubletten met betere ex. en mooie afdrukken, w.b. Delfshaven engros, Vught PK (6x), Loosduinen engros, Woudsend engros etc., groot aantal in insteekboek

Corinphila Veilingen 221st Auction

Netherlands and Former Territories netherlands and former colonies - collections - lots etc. - netherlands