gb mixed lots and accumulations - Stamp Auctions

Lot 1671 - gb mixed lots and accumulations  -  Corbitts Sale #154

Lot 1671 - gb mixed lots and accumulations - Corbitts Sale #154

ACCUMULATION in carton incl. quantity of covers & greetings telegrams (incl. some non GB), a few PPC's with later district pmks, QV-QEII ranges of stamps in albums & on hagner leaves.

Corbitts Sale #154

gb mixed lots and accumulations
Lot 1666 - gb mixed lots and accumulations  -  Corbitts Sale #154

Lot 1666 - gb mixed lots and accumulations - Corbitts Sale #154

1840-1990 COLLECTION of M & U housed in a Windsor album incl. 1840 1d black (four margins), QV vals to 5s U, KEVII to 10s U etc.

Corbitts Sale #154

gb mixed lots and accumulations
Lot 1677 - gb mixed lots and accumulations  -  Corbitts Sale #154

Lot 1677 - gb mixed lots and accumulations - Corbitts Sale #154

QV-KGVI U ranges on hagner leaves incl. 1841 2d (7), a few Surface Printed vals to 1883 5s, duplicated U Jubilees to 1s, duplicated U Edwards to 1s (15), several washed, a few Perfins, 1929 1\xBDd PUC booklet pane, then a selection of modern GB locals, Guernsey/Sark, Calf of Man, Isle of Pabay etc.

Corbitts Sale #154

gb mixed lots and accumulations
Lot 1661 - gb mixed lots and accumulations  -  Corbitts Sale #154

Lot 1661 - gb mixed lots and accumulations - Corbitts Sale #154

1840-1970 COLLECTION good to FU housed in a Windsor album incl. 1840 1d & 2d (faults), 1841 1d (5), 2d (4), 2d Stars (5), a few 1d & 2d Plates, 6d & 10d Embossed (faults), Surface Printed general U range to 10s, KEVII to 5s (2), KGV Seahorses to 10s (2), a few Officials KGVI/QEII incl. some phosphor commems + a few Regionals & postage dues etc.

Corbitts Sale #154

gb mixed lots and accumulations
Lot 1640 - gb mixed lots and accumulations  -  Corbitts Sale #154

Lot 1640 - gb mixed lots and accumulations - Corbitts Sale #154

1840-1970 COLLECTION of M & U in a Windsor album from 1840 1s (2), 2s (2) - all faults, 1841 1d (4), also M example, range 1d stars U incl. strip & block, 1858 1d plates to 224, 2d plates (8), \xBD plates 16), 1\xBDd (2), embossed 6d (2), 10d & 1s - all cut into, Surface Printed general range incl. 9d (2), 4d sage (2), 8d, 1867 10s Av U, 1883 to 10s U, lilac & green set U, 1891 \xA31 green FU, KEVII vals to 5s U, \xBDd St Andrews Cross booklet pane with binding margin (trimmed along top) KGV incl. 1915 2/6d M (some missing perfs), 1924/5 Wembley sets M, 1929 \xA31 PUC U, then a general range of M & U to 1970, finally a few dues, some useful officials etc. (100's)

Corbitts Sale #154

gb mixed lots and accumulations
Lot 1656 - gb mixed lots and accumulations  -  Corbitts Sale #154

Lot 1656 - gb mixed lots and accumulations - Corbitts Sale #154

1840-1970 COLLECTION of M & U housed in printed album highlights 1840 1d four margins black MC, 1841 1d. o.g. four margins, 1841 2d, surface printed few U to 5s, KEVII to 10s good to FU, general range KGV-QEII incl. several phosphor commem sets, Wildings incl. some graphites, post 1970 Machins U, also Regionals etc. (100's)

Corbitts Sale #154

gb mixed lots and accumulations
Lot 1651 - gb mixed lots and accumulations  -  Corbitts Sale #154

Lot 1651 - gb mixed lots and accumulations - Corbitts Sale #154

1840-1969 COLLECTION of M & U in a Windsor album from 1840 1d & 2d (faults), 1841 1d (6), another unused, 1841 2d (2), small range of Perf Line Engraved incl odd M or unused, Surface Printed incl. 10d wing margin, 1867 5s Pl. 2, 1880 2\xBDd blue Pl.22 & 23, 1887 1s, 1900 1s M, KEVII M range to 1s, 2/6d, 5s U, KGV M & U ranges, 1915 5s FU, 1918 10s U, 1934 Photogravure set M 1934 Re-engraved set U, 1948 Wedding \xA31 VFU, QEII range of M to 1969 plus regionals, dues, odd Official etc. (100's)

Corbitts Sale #154

gb mixed lots and accumulations
Lot 1646 - gb mixed lots and accumulations  -  Corbitts Sale #154

Lot 1646 - gb mixed lots and accumulations - Corbitts Sale #154

1936-1986 COLLECTION of M & U housed in a Devon album incl. 1937 Defin set M & U, 1939 High Values M & U, 1948 Wedding M & U, 1951 Festival M, 1952 Tudor M & U, 1955 Waterlow M & U, 1955 1st DLR M & U, 1955 Edward Crown M & U, 1958 Graphite M & U, 1959 2nd DLR M & U, 1959 Phosphor Graphite set M & U, phosphor commem sets look complete M & U, later QEII incl. high value defins M & U etc.

Corbitts Sale #154

gb mixed lots and accumulations
Lot 1641 - gb mixed lots and accumulations  -  Corbitts Sale #154

Lot 1641 - gb mixed lots and accumulations - Corbitts Sale #154

1840-1970 COLLECTION of M & U in a printed album from 1840 1d close cut in places, 1841 2d , few Surface Printed with vals to 2/6d, 5s & 10s, 1887 1s green & red M, KEVII mixed M or U to 1s, 2/6d, 5s & 10s U. KGV mixed M or U incl. 1912 9d olive M, Seahorses incl. 1918 Bradbury 5s M, 10s Re-gummed, 1924 Block Cypher set mixed M & U, 1924 Wembley set M, 1925 Wembley set U, 1934 Re-engraved set FU, 1937 set UM, Inverted Wmk set UM, 1939 set FU, 1948 Wedding UM, 1951 set UM, QEII well represented incl.1952 Tudor set UM, 1955 Edward set UM, Graphite sets (3), Crowns ordinary & phosphor, 1959 2nd DLR Castle set UM, commems incl. phosphors complete etc. (100's)

Corbitts Sale #154

gb mixed lots and accumulations
Lot 1657 - gb mixed lots and accumulations  -  Corbitts Sale #154

Lot 1657 - gb mixed lots and accumulations - Corbitts Sale #154

1840-1980 COLLECTION in Senator album, highlights incl. 1840 1d blacks (3), 10d Embossed P.O Telegraph unused form, then a general range through to 1980's. (100's)

Corbitts Sale #154

gb mixed lots and accumulations