flugpost europa - Stamp Auctions
Lot 03164 - flugpost europa - Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG 55th AUCTION - Day 2Airmail - Europe: 1936 France Air complete set to 50fr., mint never hinged, fres 1936 France Air complete set to 50fr., mint never hinged, fresh and fine. Eichele certificate. (Mi. 1500 €) Condition: ** (mint never hinged) Catalog number(s): France 305-11 Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG 55th AUCTION - Day 2flugpost europa |
Lot 03183 - flugpost europa - Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG 55th AUCTION - Day 2Airmail - Europe: 1932 Latvia: Two registered airmail covers from Riga to Lorch, 1932 Latvia: Two registered airmail covers from Riga to Lorch, Germany via Berlin, both franked by complete set of 1932 'Aviators Fund', one cover with set IMPERF., the other with set PERF., both tied "RIGA 2/3.V.33", with Berlin air confirmation h/s on front, transit and arrival dater on the reverse. A fine pair. Condition: Cover Catalog number(s): 210-214 A+B Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG 55th AUCTION - Day 2flugpost europa |
Lot 03184 - flugpost europa - Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG 55th AUCTION - Day 2Airmail - Europe: 1933 LATVIA: Cover from Liepaja to Switzerland by special flig 1933 LATVIA: Cover from Liepaja to Switzerland by special flight Latvija-Afrika from Riga via Berlin & Frankfurt, franked 1931 Air 10c. and 25c. pair tied "LIEPAJA LATVIJA/18.5.33" c.d.s., with the rare "RIGA-LIDPASTS/27.5.33" c.d.s., German airmail confirmation handstamps on face, Berlin dater on the reverse. The cover could not be delivered (addressee unknown) and sent back. THIS IS THE ONLY KNOWN COVER BEARING THE NEW RIGA AIRMAIL DATESTAMP DATED 27.5.1933. H.v. Hofmann certificate. (Ex collection Harry v. Hofmann) Condition: Cover Catalog number(s): Latvia 177A, 178A(2) Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG 55th AUCTION - Day 2flugpost europa |
Lot 03176 - flugpost europa - Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG 55th AUCTION - Day 2Airmail - Europe: 1933, Italy, Balbo mass flight, "I-QUES", 5.25 L + 19.75 L and 1933, Italy, Balbo mass flight, "I-QUES", 5.25 L + 19.75 L and 5.25 L + 44.75 L, both strips (on overpaid) registered express airmail cover from ROME addressed for Kent, endorsed for Reykjavich, green flight cachet on front, special Rome cancel, REYKJAVIK transits nearly illegible arrival on reverse. Michel 3500 € for loose stamps, Sassone 9000+. Condition: Cover Catalog number(s): Italien 445/446, Sassone PA 51O/52O Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG 55th AUCTION - Day 2flugpost europa |
Lot 12124 - flugpost europa - Auktionshaus Klüttermann GmbH 5th Auction1.10.26, Flp.-Brief Kopenhagen-Erfurt mit guter Frankatur, Umschlag leichte Gebrauchsspuren Auktionshaus Klüttermann GmbH 5th Auctionflugpost europa |
Lot 12125 - flugpost europa - Auktionshaus Klüttermann GmbH 5th Auction10.6.27, Flp.-GSK Malmö-Wien über Berlin Auktionshaus Klüttermann GmbH 5th Auctionflugpost europa |
Lot 12126 - flugpost europa - Auktionshaus Klüttermann GmbH 5th Auction1.5.30, seltener Erstflugbrief Marseille-Genf-Stuttgart Auktionshaus Klüttermann GmbH 5th Auctionflugpost europa |
Lot 12123 - flugpost europa - Auktionshaus Klüttermann GmbH 5th Auction16.9.25, Flp.-GSK Stockholm-Berlin Auktionshaus Klüttermann GmbH 5th Auctionflugpost europa |
Lot 3602 - flugpost europa - Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG 54th AUCTION - Day 2Airmail - Europe: 1948, 1 Sh Aerogramm mit 1 Sh "Renner" Zusatzfrankatur, einges 1948, 1 Sh Aerogramm mit 1 Sh "Renner" Zusatzfrankatur, eingeschrieben befördert mit Sonderflug 25.11.48 WIEN - Amsterdam und weiter nach New York. Flug Cachet, R-Zettel und österreichische Brief-Zensur auf der Vorderseite, Rückseitiger Ankunft NEW YROG REGY DIF 12 1 1948. Condition: postal stationery Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG 54th AUCTION - Day 2flugpost europa |
Lot 05909 - flugpost europa - Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG 53rd AUCTION - Day 4, Collections Overseas, Air & Shipmail, Thematics, EuropeAirmail - Europe: 1924 - 1990 (ca): 6,700 First Flight Covers Switzerland. ÷ ab 1924 - 1990 (ca): 6,700 First Flight Covers Switzerland. ÷ ab 1924 ca. 6700 Erstflugbelege Schweiz, dabei auch alte Flugprivatganzsachen, gute Zuleitungen in die Schweiz, Destinationen, etc. - ansehen Condition: Cover Value Add Taxes (19%) will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium. Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG 53rd AUCTION - Day 4, Collections Overseas, Air & Shipmail, Thematics, Europeflugpost europa |