1912-1949 ROC - Stamp Auctions

Lot 5392 - 1912-1949 ROC  -  John Bull Stamp Auctions The 2024 Summer Auction - Sale 343 -  The General Sale

Lot 5392 - 1912-1949 ROC - John Bull Stamp Auctions The 2024 Summer Auction - Sale 343 - The General Sale

1949 (Jun 18) Chinese style cover from East Szechuan You Yang to Chungking,with Golden Yuan Stamp x 7 on both sides, total value $320,000 Golden Yuan. The exchange rate of Golden and Silver Yuan is around 1f: GY$80,000 then. $320,000 Golden Yuan equals to 4f Silver Yuan, matching the domestic ordinary rate,tied by East Szechuan You Yang cds., with Chungking arrival cds.

1949年6月18日銀圓郵資時期貼金圓票中式封自東川酉陽寄重慶, 正背面貼金圓票7枚,合金圓$320,000,是時金銀圓兌換率約為$80,000金圓兌1分銀圓,折合4分銀圓,符合國內平信郵資,銷東川酉陽日戳,旁有重慶到達戳。

John Bull Stamp Auctions The 2024 Summer Auction - Sale 343 - The General Sale

1912-1949 ROC
Lot 5408 - 1912-1949 ROC  -  John Bull Stamp Auctions The 2024 Summer Auction - Sale 343 -  The General Sale

Lot 5408 - 1912-1949 ROC - John Bull Stamp Auctions The 2024 Summer Auction - Sale 343 - The General Sale

1949 (Nov 7) Chinese style cover from Hsi Chuan Chia Chiang double registered to Chungking,f.w. Registered Mail Unit Stamp x 2, SYS $200,000 Hsi Chuan ovpt. Surface Mail Unit stamp (rarely uses on cover), tied by Hsi Chuan Chia Chiang cds., with ChungKing arrival marking. Matching domestic double registered rate Silver Yuan 35c.


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1912-1949 ROC
Lot 5424 - 1912-1949 ROC  -  John Bull Stamp Auctions The 2024 Summer Auction - Sale 343 -  The General Sale

Lot 5424 - 1912-1949 ROC - John Bull Stamp Auctions The 2024 Summer Auction - Sale 343 - The General Sale

Pro-916 a group of 6 unused complete Express Letter Receipt, and two used receipt parts,a nice group. VF-F.


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1912-1949 ROC
Lot 5387 - 1912-1949 ROC  -  John Bull Stamp Auctions The 2024 Summer Auction - Sale 343 -  The General Sale

Lot 5387 - 1912-1949 ROC - John Bull Stamp Auctions The 2024 Summer Auction - Sale 343 - The General Sale

1949 (Jun 9) Canton to America airmail cover,f.w. Silver Yuan x 3, total value 70c, matching the international double air registered rate, tied by Canton cds.


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1912-1949 ROC
Lot 5403 - 1912-1949 ROC  -  John Bull Stamp Auctions The 2024 Summer Auction - Sale 343 -  The General Sale

Lot 5403 - 1912-1949 ROC - John Bull Stamp Auctions The 2024 Summer Auction - Sale 343 - The General Sale

1949 (Sep 28) Chinese style cover from Hsi Chuan airmail to Macao,franked on reverse SYS surch. Domestic Ordinary Mail Unit Stamp and Silver Yuan 10c, tied by Hsi Chuan Tsu Chiao cds., with Hong Kong transit and Maco arrival marking alongside. Rare cover to Macao during Silver Yuan Period.


John Bull Stamp Auctions The 2024 Summer Auction - Sale 343 - The General Sale

1912-1949 ROC
Lot 5419 - 1912-1949 ROC  -  John Bull Stamp Auctions The 2024 Summer Auction - Sale 343 -  The General Sale

Lot 5419 - 1912-1949 ROC - John Bull Stamp Auctions The 2024 Summer Auction - Sale 343 - The General Sale

1914 ROC Express Letter Stamps (No. 0564),10c green, unused, fresh and solid, very fine and rare (Chan E9).


John Bull Stamp Auctions The 2024 Summer Auction - Sale 343 - The General Sale

1912-1949 ROC
Lot 5382 - 1912-1949 ROC  -  John Bull Stamp Auctions The 2024 Summer Auction - Sale 343 -  The General Sale

Lot 5382 - 1912-1949 ROC - John Bull Stamp Auctions The 2024 Summer Auction - Sale 343 - The General Sale

1949 (May 23) Chinese style cover from Kwei Chow Pingpa double registered to Chungking,franked Domestic Ordinary Mail Unit Stamp x 1 on front, used to pay for the domestic ordinary postage. Golden Yuan Stamp x 2 valued $6,000 Golden Yuan. The exchange rate of Golden and Silver Yuan is around 1f: GY$150,000 then. The stamps on the cover was not enough to pay for registered postage, 12f Silver Yuan which might have some stamps off, still a rare mixed franking cover with Golden and Silver Yuan Stamps.

1949年5月23日金銀圓混貼中式封自貴州平壩掛號寄重慶, 正面單貼平信單位銀圓郵票,用來支付銀圓4分國內平信郵資。背貼金圓票2枚(有掉票),合6萬金圓。是時金銀圓兌換率約為15萬金圓兌1分銀圓,此封不足以支付當時銀圓12分的掛號郵資,估計有掉票。正背郵票均銷貴州平壩日戳,並有重慶到達戳。雖有掉票,但此封仍是罕有的金銀圓混貼封。

John Bull Stamp Auctions The 2024 Summer Auction - Sale 343 - The General Sale

1912-1949 ROC
Lot 5398 - 1912-1949 ROC  -  John Bull Stamp Auctions The 2024 Summer Auction - Sale 343 -  The General Sale

Lot 5398 - 1912-1949 ROC - John Bull Stamp Auctions The 2024 Summer Auction - Sale 343 - The General Sale

1949 (Aug 3) Chinese style cover from Hsi Chuan Tang Chia Tien registered to Chungking,franked on reverse Silver Yuan surch. 4c x 7 and SYS 1c x 7 (with tiny "Yang Ki Chen" ovpt., total value 35c, matching the domestic double registered rate,tied by Hsi Chuan Tang Chia Tien postal agency cds., on front with His Chuan Tai He Chen transit and Chungking arrival cds. Rare.

1949年8月3日中式銀圓封自西川唐家店雙掛號寄重慶, 背貼銀元4分改值票7枚及孫像華南版銀圓1分加蓋“洋溪鎮”局名票7枚,合郵資35分,符合當時國內雙掛號郵資,銷西川唐家店代辦所日戳。正面有西川洋溪鎮、四川太和鎮中轉及重慶到達戳。罕。

John Bull Stamp Auctions The 2024 Summer Auction - Sale 343 - The General Sale

1912-1949 ROC
Lot 5414 - 1912-1949 ROC  -  John Bull Stamp Auctions The 2024 Summer Auction - Sale 343 -  The General Sale

Lot 5414 - 1912-1949 ROC - John Bull Stamp Auctions The 2024 Summer Auction - Sale 343 - The General Sale

1948 London 2nd Print Postage Due unsurcharged set of 8 (Chan 108a-115a),all except $20 with margins, fresh MNH with pristine original gum (only hinged on margins). Very Fine in condition. This set was very rare as the entire supply from De La Rue, with the exception of a few reference sets, was surcharged with the new values due to the hyper-inflation in China at that time. This set was originally from the blocks of 4 in the Colonel Allan Kerr Collection, and was auctioned in 2003 by Zurich Asia in Hong Kong. Provenance: Colonel Allan Kerr Collection, 2003 Zurich Asia M.F. Huang Collection lot #417.

1948年倫敦二版欠資未加蓋原票新8全,除了20元一枚外,全部帶紙邊,包括2枚帶號碼邊。這套票存世極罕,因爲1948年超級通貨膨脹的原因,當年倫敦德納羅公司印刷完後馬上加蓋新面值,僅有少量幾套票作爲存檔參考品留存下來。此套票源自Colonel Allan Kerr郵集裏面的一個4方連,后為台灣集郵家黃明芳所得,并於2003年于香港蘇黎世亞洲拍賣拍出,隨後20餘年深藏閨閣,未見于市場流出。是民國票裏面的一套大珍品。陳目D108a-115a,目錄并未標明參考價錢,可見其稀罕與珍貴程度。全套票原膠無貼(僅貼與邊紙上),背膠豐潤,品相極佳,屬於可遇不可求的華郵大珍。源流:Colonel Allan Kerr Collection,2003年香港蘇黎世亞洲拍賣黃明芳專場拍品417號。

John Bull Stamp Auctions The 2024 Summer Auction - Sale 343 - The General Sale

1912-1949 ROC
Lot 5393 - 1912-1949 ROC  -  John Bull Stamp Auctions The 2024 Summer Auction - Sale 343 -  The General Sale

Lot 5393 - 1912-1949 ROC - John Bull Stamp Auctions The 2024 Summer Auction - Sale 343 - The General Sale

1949 (Jun 27) Chinese style cover from East Szechuan Tu Kuei Chang registered to Chungking,franked on reverse Ching Mu Kuan overprinted SYS Silver Yuan 4c blocks of 4, matching domestic registered rate, 16c, tied Tung Chuan Tu Kuei Chang postal agency cds. with ChungKing arrival cds. on front.

1949年6月27日中式銀圓封自東川土圭場挂號寄重慶, 背貼少見的青木關加蓋孫像銀圓票4分4方連,符合當時國內掛號銀圓16分郵資,銷東川土圭場代辦所日戳,正面有重慶到達戳。

John Bull Stamp Auctions The 2024 Summer Auction - Sale 343 - The General Sale

1912-1949 ROC