
lot # 90 - judaica ant-semitic

Sunday Sep 07, 2014 13:00 America/New_York

OCCUPIED AUSTRIA CITIZENSHIP PAPERS Scarce document from post-Anschluss Vienna, 1 p. oblong legal folio, ca. 1939, partially endorsed citizenship papers bearing Nazi eagle and swastika device on recto and verso and calling for the applicant to set forth full particulars of his racial heritage from grandparents, down. Applicants would be rated as "Deutschblut" (German / Aryan" blood), "Mischling 2nd Grade" (one parent non-Jewish), or "Mischling first Grade" (Jew - both parents Jewish). This applicant's form was never processed as the religion of one grandmother was unknown. The English translation for "mischling" is "mongrel".
