1849-1930 umfangreicher Deutschlandteil eines Schwanebek Albums (ca. 100 Seiten) teils gut gefuellt, incl. Nebengebiete und Kolonien, eine gehaltvolle Partie fuer den Spezialisten, teilweise gemischte Erhaltung, Besichtung wird empfohlen! G - XF!
Estimate €3000.00
Auction #1
By: classicphil GmbH - Matthias Fukac
classicphil GmbH - Matthias Fukac Auction #1
JUST STAMPS - Welcome to the 1st classicphil auction Vienna. We offer you a choice selection of 2323 classic stamps with low starting prices. The focus is Australian States, British Commonwealth, Indian States, Japan, Malaysia, Thailand, South America especially Peru and USA. Here you find affordable gems at european fair prices.
Each day there is lunch at 12:00 – 1:00 pm CET and two coffee
breaks at 10:30 – 11:00 am and 4:30 – 5:00 pm CET
Europe mainland and colonies (no GB)
15. April — 1:00 pm CET open end — Lot # 10001 – 10581
Australia/Oceania/India/British Africa and Caribbean/Canada/USA/Great Britain
16. April — 8:30 am CET open end — Lot # 20001 – 20962
Japan/Netherland Indies/Straits Settlements/Thailand/Malaysian States and Republic/China/South Amerika
17. April — 8:30 am CET open end — Lot # 30017 – 30780
Sale Terms
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- Asia (Russian) (6) Apply Asia (Russian) filter
- Australia (333) Apply Australia filter
- british africa (143) Apply british africa filter
- British Commonwealth (96) Apply British Commonwealth filter
- Canada (35) Apply Canada filter
- China (64) Apply China filter
- europe (177) Apply europe filter
- france and colonies (182) Apply france and colonies filter
- germany and colonies (47) Apply germany and colonies filter
- Great Britain (95) Apply Great Britain filter
- india and states (170) Apply india and states filter
- indonesia (31) Apply indonesia filter
- italy and colonies (13) Apply italy and colonies filter
- Japan (49) Apply Japan filter
- latvia (15) Apply latvia filter
- malaya and states (244) Apply malaya and states filter
- New Zealand (13) Apply New Zealand filter
- south america (288) Apply south america filter
- spain and colonies (170) Apply spain and colonies filter
- Thailand/Siam (54) Apply Thailand/Siam filter
- usa (75) Apply usa filter
Lot #10001 - germany and colonies collections and lots germany
Lot #10002 - germany and colonies Old German States Brunswick
1853/65 Nummernstempelsammlung auf einer großen Steckkarte und 3 Lindner Albumseiten, kompakt mit vielen besseren Entwertungen (ca. 50), sehr gehaltvoll & ausgezeichnete Qualitaet, F - XF!
Estimate €6000.00
Lot #10003 - germany and colonies collections and lots old german states
1849/1920 gehaltvolle Sammlung in einem Schaubek Album mit hohem Katalogwert, viel geprueft, fast durchwegs gute bis sehr gute Qualitaet, F - XF!
Estimate €6000.00
Lot #10004 - germany and colonies Baden
1862 18 kr., hellgruen, gestempelt, F!
Estimate €700.00
Lot #10005 - germany and colonies Baden
1862 30 kr., dunkel gelblich orange, F!, MNH
Estimate €100.00
Lot #10006 - germany and colonies Baden
1868 7 kr., hellblau, VF!
Estimate €130.00
Lot #10007 - germany and colonies Baden
1862 30 kr., klare Entwertung PFORZHEIM, KW 3.200,-, kleiner Einriss rechts, G! F!
Estimate €650.00
Lot #10008 - germany and colonies Old German States Brunswick
1864 1Sgr., gelb, wunderschoene zentrische Entwertung in blau (!) BRAUNSCHWEIG, Luxusstueck, SUP!
Estimate €400.00
Lot #10009 - germany and colonies Old German States Brunswick
1852 Lot von (9) Stueck, ausgesuchte Erhaltung, gestempelt, (1) ungebraucht, F - XF!
Estimate €1900.00
Lot #10010 - germany and colonies Old German States Mecklenburg Strelitz
1864 1 S., grauviolett, MH, F!
Estimate €370.00
Lot #10011 - germany and colonies Old German States Oldenburg
1852 2x 1/10 Th., blauer Kastenstempel VARGEL, Treppenfrankatur, Luxus, VF!
Estimate €1000.00
Lot #10012 - germany and colonies Old German States Oldenburg
1852 Paar, in Type I und III, blauer FRANCO Abschlag, gut bis weitrandig, LUXUS, XF!
Estimate €250.00
Lot #10013 - germany and colonies Old German States Oldenburg
1852 1/30 Th., schwarz auf blau, linkes Randstueck (15 mm), voll- bis breitrandig, blauer LOHE Stempel, Luxus, VF - XF!
Estimate €600.00
Lot #10014 - germany and colonies Old German States Oldenburg
1859 3 Gr., idealer, blauer OLDENBURG Zweikreisstempel, breit- bis ueberrandig, farbfrisch und feinste, tadellose Erhaltung, Attest Brettl, Sign. Ferchenbauer, LUXUS, XF!
Estimate €975.00
Lot #10015 - germany and colonies Old German States Oldenburg
1861 Paar, blauer Zweikreisstempel OLDENBURG, lose, Attest Buehler, Attest Stegmueller, VF!
Estimate €3000.00
Lot #10016 - germany and colonies old german states hamburg
1859 1S., dunkelbraun, Trennungslinie rechts (Lupe) und links, WZ Teile, XF!
Estimate €280.00
Lot #10017 - germany and colonies old german states hamburg
1867 2 1/2 S., gruen, Plattennummer rechts, schoener Stempel Hamburg, VF!
Estimate €100.00
Lot #10018 - germany and colonies old german states wurttemberg
1851 3 kr., schwarz/gelb, blauer sitzender TÃœBINGEN, sitzender stummer Stempel, gepr. Heinrich, 500 Punkte, VF!
Estimate €350.00
Lot #10019 - germany and colonies old german states wurttemberg
1861 1 kr., schwarzbraun, Luxusstempel WEILDSTADT, F - VF!
Estimate €320.00
Lot #10020 - germany and colonies old german states north german confederation
1868 2 gr., 5 gr., (3) auf Briefstueck, gestempelt ERFURT, Buntfrankatur, F - VF!
Estimate €120.00
Lot #10021 - germany and colonies German Empire, 1872 Large shield issue
1872 2 Kr., orange, Big Eagle embossed, excellent cancel BREIDENBACH..., 2 short teeth, G! F!
Estimate €1000.00
Lot #10022 - germany and colonies German Empire
1900 100 T. auf 200 M., lebhaft rot, Farbfehldruck der OPD Erfurt, nur 100 Stueck bekannt, Attest Duentsch, VF!
Estimate €3500.00
Lot #10023 - germany and colonies German Empire, 1933/45 Third Reich
1941 Markenheft mit Stahlfeder Werbung, Hindenburg Marken, gute Erhaltung, Knickandeutung, MNH, VF!
Estimate €240.00
Lot #10024 - germany and colonies German Empire, 1933/45 Third Reich
1941 Markenheft mit Kopierstift Werbung, Hitler Marken, sehr gute Erhaltung, kein Knick bei Klammer!, MNH, XF!
Estimate €160.00
Lot #10025 - germany and colonies german post in turkey
1900 1 1/4 P., unverausgabter Wert, Unterrand-Stueck, postfrisch, Kopie Attest Jakubek, VF!
Estimate €900.00