
lot # 408 - Argentina revenue stamps

Wednesday Feb 25, 2015 19:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires

CITY OF BUENOS AIRES: More than 450 revenue stamps used on original documents from various periods, for a variety of uses, for example: marriage certificates, death certificates, family books, health books, vehicule disinfection, payment of varied taxes etc etc. It includes a great number of rare and scarce stamps, provisionals (overprinted), some with mixed postages, very fine general quality. This lot will surely provide the specialist with hours of fun, and a detailed classification would reveal many rarities. We show some of the stamps as example (after a quick revision), but the lot contains MANY MORE stamps, good opportunity at a LOW START!



About The Seller

Guillermo Jalil - Philatino

We are a team of 7 people under the leadership of Guillermo Jalil, professional... Read More

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