

lot # 65 - mixed lots and accumulations

Thursday Jul 24, 2014 11:00 Europe/London

MIDDLE EAST chiefly UM ranges on hagner leaves incl. a ring binder from U.A.E 1973-2013 incl. 1973 Defin set (less 2dh), 1973 Youth set, 1974 National Day set, Illiteracy Day set, 1975 Oil set, Satellite set, National Day 6 vals to 5d, 1976 50f on 75f Surcharge, 1976 Defin set (2), 1979 GPO (2), 1980 Census (2), 1981 National Day (2), Disabled (2), 1982 defins 16 vals to 20d, 1983 Withdrawn Literary Day set (2), almost complete run of commems to 1989 (2), then 1998 Flowers set and good run to 2013 Cat. £2000, also Kuwait Independence issues 1958-2011 UM, FDC collection comprising Egypt (76), Iran (64), Bahrain (47), Kuwait (52), Oman (30) etc.
Estimated Price: £150.00 - 200.00